Board Elections
Board of Director elections are held annually during the General Membership meeting in October. Positions are rotated in blocks for 2-year commitments unless a position has been resigned before the designated commitment period.
Block 1
President, Membership, Treasurer, Operations 1, IT Support
Block 2
Vice President, Human Resources, Operations 2, Secretary, Events & Activities, Communications
We encourage our members to join the Board of Directors at the General Membership meetings in July and October to stay involved and up-to-date on what happens behind the scenes. This also gives us all another opportunity to keep communication lines open between the Board of Directors and all NHSC members.
Are you interested in joining the Board of Directors?
If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please download and complete this questionnaire and submit it along with a resume by Sunday, September 8, 2024 to: nhswimclub2017@gmail.com
Prerequisites for all Board Positions:
· Candidates must be members in good standing and be able to communicate via email. Also, must be able to work well with others.
· You will be required to attend monthly board meetings to be held on the second Tuesday of every month.
Please keep in mind that Board Members are responsible for more than just their individual position. Being a board member also requires:
· Overseeing the pool for 1-2 weeks during the summer
· Attending one board meeting per month 12 months of the year.
· Cleaning up and opening the club in the spring
· Closing of the pool at the end of the season.
· Working at fundraisers or other planned activities.
· Other duties as assigned.
· You cannot serve on another Board with conflicting interests. IE: Jarretsville Rec, NH Neptunes, etc.
Benefits of Being on the Board:
· Time on the board: guest privileges & annual dues will be waived. **
· Free lifetime membership: after 8 years of service on the Board, or 5 years of service as club president.
** If an elected Board Member does not complete a full year of service, he/she will be required to pay a prorated portion of their dues based upon length of service. The amount due will be determined by the Board of Directors based upon the current annual dues.
Board of Directors Position Descriptions 2024
President (2 year term)
A. Shall preside over all meetings of the Club membership and the Board of Directors
B. Shall be the Administrative Officer of the Club and shall have responsibility for the general management and direction of the activities of the Club
C. Shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint the chairmen and members of the standing committees
D. May appoint any other committee and its chairman which he/she deems necessary for the proper operation of the Club
Prerequisites for this position: Must have served at least one year on the executive board.
Vice President (2 year term)
A. Shall, in the absence or incapacity of the President, perform all duties of the President and shall become the President for the balance of any term during which the position of President becomes vacant
B. Shall assist the President in matters relating to the business of the Club
C. Shall oversee the operations of the club
Prerequisites of this position: Must be comfortable with the physical operations and financial needs of the club.
Secretary (2 year term)
A. Shall record and preserve the minutes of all meetings of the Club and of the Board
B. Shall be responsible for the distribution of all notices to the membership and shall conduct and preserve all correspondence carried on, on behalf of the Club
C. Shall maintain and preserve the membership files of the Club and shall preserve master copies of all its official documents, such as charter, deeds, by-laws, etc.
D. Schedule monthly meetings and communicate with the Board of Directors
Prerequisites of this position: Must be detail-oriented. Should be comfortable with Microsoft Word.
Treasurer (2 year term)
A. Process payroll Bi-weekly
B. Create W2’s for employees
C. Pay payroll, sales and use, and property taxes
D. Provide audit support if needed
E. Log credit card transactions and reconcile receipts
G. Pay credit card bills and other vendor invoices via online bill pay
H. Check PO Box for current mail on a regular basis
Prerequisites of this position: Must be comfortable with QuickBooks and numbers in general. Previous experience as a treasurer is a plus.
IT Support *NEW Position Replacing Treasurer 2* (1 year term as of October 2024)
A. Support the technology infrastructure
B. Maintain and troubleshoot current computer systems and network operations and ensure security
C. Providing technical support and any necessary training to staff
D. Help maintain the NHSC website and member management software.
Prerequisites of this position: Must have a strong background in IT support, database management, website management, and problem-solving skills.
Membership (2 year term)
A. Manage membership in Member Splash
B. Provide support to existing and potential members regarding payments
C. Provide club information to potential new members and respond to email inquiries
D. Provide monthly totals to the NHSC Board at the monthly board meeting
E. Supporting members with pavilion rentals including managing rental calendar, email communications, and payments
F. Shall oversee the pavilion rentals
Prerequisites of this position: You must have general computer competency and be able to effectively communicate with members.
Communications (2 year term)
A. Communicating pertinent information to the general membership via email and social media outlets
B. Generate all advertising and publications of the club. This would include all “email blasts” and social media
C. Updating the bulletin boards and the roadside marquis
D. Brainstorming ways to market the swim club to drive new memberships
E. Ensure the website is updated
D. Checking the main swim club email and responding to messages in a timely manner or directing them to the appropriate Board member for further communication.
Prerequisites of this position: You must be comfortable preparing and generating emails, using social media, and effectively communicating.
Events & Activities (2 year term)
A. Planning and implementing all family activities. Examples include: kids' dances, crafts, ice cream socials, and activities for Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day picnics
B. Working with the Pool and Office Manager to implement staff assistance when necessary
C. Shall coordinate volunteers for picnics and staff parties
D. Maintain the Member Splash calendar with updated event information
Prerequisites of this position: You must be organized and be able to plan, attend, and run all events planned.
Operations 1 & 2 (2 year term)
A. Oversee operations in all facets of the club’s physical operations including but not limited to:
- Operation of both the main and baby pool (with the assistance of the Pool Ops)
- Lawn care and landscaping (coordination with lawn care company to schedule cuts/landscaping)
- Equipment repairs (umbrellas, concessions equipment, tools, winterizing the ice machine)
- Structural maintenance (checking roof, leaks, lighting, etc.)
- Overseeing the opening and closing of the pool for the season
Human Resources (2 year term)
A. Conducting Interviews, with the President/VP of potential staff
B. Maintaining employee contracts and extending offer letters to new hires
C. Ensure employees complete all required forms for employment
D. Ensure that the required payroll documentation is provided to the Treasurer in a timely fashion
E. Act as a resource to employees in terms of discussing and handling employee concerns/issues with the assistance of the President & VP
F. Work hand in hand with NHSC Managers regarding employee schedules, conduct, and performance
Prerequisites of this position: You must have good time management skills. Prior HR experience is a plus.